Voter Voice Best Practices
Dear Valued Members of the Lodi District Chamber of Commerce,
The Lodi District Chamber of Commerce is extremely excited to be rolling out a new e-advocacy campaign in order to represent our members and influence legislation at Lodi City Hall and the CA State Legislature. We have contracted with Voter Voice, an industry leader in e-advocacy, in order to provide a platform for our members to be able to reach our elected officials on important issues that affect our businesses and our community.
We will be monitoring important bills working their way through the legislative process, and provide YOU with the opportunity to promote pro-business, pro-worker, and common-sense agenda in Lodi and Sacramento. We will help educate our members on the importance and impact of certain bills and keep a record on how are elected officials are voting on those bills.
The Chamber will be sending out our first campaign this week, and we wanted to share tips specifically tailored to using the Voter Voice software to maximize the effectiveness of our campaigns. The Chamber is so excited to be able to provide this tool to help make YOUR voice heard and secure Lodi’s economic future together.
1. Personalizing Email Messages using Voter Voice:
Utilizing Voter Voice provides a streamlined way to reach elected officials efficiently and effectively. Every campaign will offer the opportunity to email elected officials directly. Here's how to personalize your messages for maximum impact:
- Personalize Body Content: It is critical that you personalize the body of the message before sending the email. Elected officials have software that block ‘form’ letters coming into their inbox. By adding some personal content, this will ensure that all messages make it to the elected official.
- Issue Relevance: Mention the specific issue and how it directly affects you and your business. Make the elected official feel your pain. Make a personal and emotional appeal. Behind every business are the hopes and dreams of the owners, employees, and customers! Will you not be able to hire more employees? Will it cause you to have to eliminate an important service in our community? How will it impact the quality of life for you or your family? These messages are important to our elected officials.
2. Staying On Message with Calls to Elected Officials:
Voter Voice will also allow you to call the elected officials as they consider their vote on bills. When speaking with elected officials using Voter Voice, staying focused is vital. Here's how to do it effectively:
- Preparation & Scripting: The Chamber will be issuing talking points and providing scripts that will help keep you on topic when calling your elected official. Take a minute to read through them before calling, and have them up on your laptop or phone when you are speaking to the elected official.
- Stay Positive: Maintain a constructive and positive tone during the call. Focus on the benefits of the side of the issue you're advocating for. Stay away from comments like “We pay you salary!”. Instead, encourage your elected official to do the right thing for our community.
- Customization: Use the script as a framework, but personalize it in some way. Always bring it back to how it will impact you, your employees, your community, and your family. Being genuine will go a long way to building
3. Leveraging Social Media Through Voter Voice:
Voter Voice's integration with social media platforms enhances our campaign's visibility. Here's how you can utilize it:
- Sharing Tools: Voter Voice offers social media sharing options. Share pre-designed posts in order to highlight the campaign's importance and help increase our reach.
- Engage Your Network: Encourage fellow members and contacts to share posts. These advocacy efforts are taken seriously by elected officials. Help us to make a positive impact!
The Lodi Chamber of Commerce will be working with Voter Voice to ensure that our collective efforts will make a meaningful impact. If you encounter any technical issues or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your dedication to the Lodi District Chamber of Commerce and our community's betterment through this e-advocacy campaign.
Best Regards,
J.P. Doucette
President / CEO
Lodi District Chamber of Commerce